Terms of use

Updated on 11/17/2021

These General Conditions of Contracting (hereinafter, Terms of Use) establish relationships between Internet users (hereinafter, user or users) and Nexus Live, SL, Society with registered office in Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 672, Barcelona (08010), Barcelona, ​​with contact email hello@nexusclips.com and with CIF B67560854, which is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona to Volume 47163, Folio 166, sheet B-543244, inscription B-543244 (in Forward, NEXUS) makes available to users through its Nexus Clips mobile application (hereinafter, THE APP) and its website https://nexusclips.com/ (hereinafter, THE WEB).

These conditions of use will be applicable jointly with the Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy and the NEXUS Cookie Policy and any other document that regulates aspects of the Web and the APP, without prevailing over another.

The App is a software that converts twitch clips, Facebook Gaming and YouTube Live from users in vertical format, ready to share in Tiktok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, Twitter, WhatsApp and others of analogous nature (hereinafter, THE CLIPS).

Users can access with their user account on Twitch or link and create a TWITCH user account from the web and the APP. However, users understand that Twitch and other similar platforms have their own conditions of use and their own privacy policies, of which Nexus is not responsible or is linked in any way, so it is recommended to read carefully the conditions that They appear in them. Nexus is totally exempted from any claim that may arise by virtue of its use of such platforms through the Nexus account or its link with them.

Registration by users on the web and the APP can be carried out from the app or from the Web, and is subject to prior acceptance in an express manner of all the conditions of use in force at all times.

If a user was not in accordance with the content or part of the content of these Terms of use, it can not be registered on the APP or on the Web, not being able to access or have the services that are offered. The user should carefully read these conditions of use each time you access or use the app, as they may suffer modifications.

Nexus reserves the right to deny at any time, without the need for prior notice and without the right to compensation, access to the Web and the APP to those users who fail to comply with the present conditions of use or any other of Nexus policies. If Nexus had reasonable motives to understand that a use has been made that violates these Terms of Use, it will be authorized to eliminate the profile of the user's user.

The conditions of use that are collected here are applicable to all forms of access that are made to the APP, including the Internet, the web, mobile via or any other device.

The user declares to be of legal age and / or have sufficient legal capacity to be linked by the conditions of use. It also accepts expressly and without exceptions than the access and use of the APP, its services and the contents It takes place under its only and exclusive responsibility.

These conditions of use do not exclude the possibility that certain services or utilities from the APP are subjected to special or third-party conditions, which in any case may be consulted by the user before its activation and contracting.

Access to the APP is free and both its access and access to the services and contents arranged therein are subject to the prior registration and acceptance of the present conditions of use. The user declares to be of legal age and dispose of the Sufficient legal capacity to be linked by the conditions of use. Equally, it expresses expressly and without exceptions that the access and use of the APP, its services and the content takes place under its sole and exclusive responsibility.

Nexus reserves the right to make without prior notice the changes and modifications it deems appropriate on the Web, the APP and in these Terms of Use.


When the user is recorded by filling out the App Registration Form or the Web, it recognizes having knowledge of the content of the conditions of use and expressly declare that it accepts them. The user Access with his User Account on Twitch or Link and Create a User Account on Twitch from the Web and the App, Nexus will send an e-mail to the email provided by the user to communicate that and has access to the APP . Therefore, the user guarantees that the data provided to Nexus are true and correct. If you have facilitated false or inaccurate data, Nexus reserves the right to ban access to the Web and / or the APP.

Users will be responsible for the adequate custody and confidentiality of any password and are committed to not yielding their use to third parties, nor to allow their access to foreign people. It will be the responsibility of the users' illicit use of the Web and / or the APP for any illegitimate third party that uses a password because of a non-diligent use or the loss of it by the user.

The user has an obligation to immediately notify Nexus any fact that entails the misuse of passwords, such as loss or unauthorized access in order to proceed with immediate cancellation. While not communicated such facts, Nexus will be exempt from any responsibility that could be derived from that undue use of passwords by unauthorized third parties.


Users, once registered, will have vinucated their Twich account to the APP, which allows them to create clips and receive them in real time and automatically edited on their mobile.

Users can create the clips they wish unlimitedly and in high quality 1080 / 60fps, making their favorite templates, making clips while they are live and share and download clips in vertical format in Tiktok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, Twitte , Whatsapp and / or other analogous nature for free from the app.

The user guarantees that the activities he performed with the APP and the clips will be adapted to the law, moral, public order, good customs, committing to that in no case will be offensive and / or harm to Nexus, users of the Web and the app and / or any third party. Nexus can track, monitor, control, censor, and, where appropriate, (for example, by expulsion from the user of the Web and the APP) those behaviors and comments that contravene the law, moral, public order, good customs , which are offensive or harmful to users or for third parties or that Nexus considers that they are contrary to the spirit of community and collaboration that aims to promote through the web and the APP.

Likewise, users understand and accept that they are the only ones responsible for the comments and / or allusions that may be carried out in the clips, while maintaining Nexus, and guarantee Nexus to hold permits, assignments, titles and authorizations of all rights Intellectual and industrial property, both own and from third parties, and about the contents of the clips that will share through the APP, as well as the authorization of the owners of personal data and / or images or other contents They can be included in the clips, maintaining NEXUS by any third party claim.


Nexus grants a free personal use, non-transferable, indefinite license (that is, no expiration), around the world and not exclusive on the APP and computer programs available for the user to access the app on his computer and / or mobile device, about the current version for the use of the app and create the clips.

Therefore, the user will not be able to perform total or partial reproduction, public distribution or translation, adaptation, arrange or any other transformation of the APP and the available computer programs (including error correction), or partial or total , neither the realization of successive versions of the licensed programs without prior authorization of Nexus, and can only install the app on the user, computer or mobile device, and can use it according to the uses and / or uses that are expressly allowed by Nexus. Therefore, the user only acquires the right to use the app on the computer, computer or mobile device of their property and in no case is this license implies the assignment of intellectual property rights over the APP, the web and / or programs of computer available, so the user can not proceed with redistribution, sale, rent, loan and / or any other assignment of use to third parties, nor may he perform alteration, handling, disassembly, decompilation and / or the modification of the APP through Reverse engineering, or by any other procedure, without the express and written authorization of Nexus.

Nexus is the owner of all the intellectual and industrial property rights of the APP (including the manuals for use, its technical specifications, algorithms, source code and object code) that will continue to be owned by Nexus.


Without prejudice to what is established in these Terms of Use and when applicable, Nexus will respond from faults in accordance or the defects on the Web within the period of two (2) years following the date on which the APP was installed.


Nexus will provide the updates and corrections of the current version of the APP for normal operation of the APP, but Nexus will not be required to provide updates or assistance for the APP. In the event that Nexus, at its sole discretion, will provide Updates of the APP, the user accepts that Nexus can end these updates, at any time and for any reason.

Promotions, Contests and Offers#

Nexus may take promotions, offers and contests to which they will be applied their own bases, conditions and additional terms, which Nexus will make available to users before they enroll in these promotions, offers and / or contests. In case a user wants to participate in a promotion, supply or contest, he must read and be in accordance with the bases, conditions and terms thereof.

Likewise, promotions, contests and offers on web products and the APP will have their own economic terms that will be available to users before they are hired.

Contests, offers and promotions available for users will be valid until the date indicated for them and, if applicable, individually on the indicated products, without being applicable to other products or services offered on the web and the APP.


Once the present conditions of use are accepted, users understand and accept that when the service has been fully executed, as well as when the supply and execution of digital content have been carried out, which is not provided in a material support, there will be no right of withdrawal by virtue of the provisions of Article 103, letter m), of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the refused text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users.

Guarantees and obligations of users#

Users guarantee to Nexus that the data provided are true and correct, that have the sufficient legal capacity, the consents and authorizations necessary for the acceptance of these conditions of use, as well as to carry out the use of app and clips . Nexus informs users who will be able to check the data and information provided to verify their identity.

Users guarantee Nexus and are obliged to ensure that all the information provided is truthful, true and complete, so they will be responsible against third parties of the information provided by Nexus.

Users understand and accept that Nexus is the owner or assignment of all intellectual and industrial property rights over the elements and content of the Web and the APP. Therefore, all videos, images, photographs, databases, designs, brands, labels, distinctive signs and / or logos of Nexus and / or Web and the APP, banners, website and its different codes, source and Object, manuals, technical information and / or any other elements or works of the Web and the APP are the owner of Nexus, which is the owner or assignee of intellectual and industrial property exploitation rights over them.

Users guarantee that they will not commit acts and / or perform actions aimed at breaking the technological and antipiracy measures that Nexus would have implemented on the Web and the APP, understood by such procedures, techniques, devices, components, or the combination of these , whose function is to control, prevent or restrict the access or use of the elements and / or the content of the Web and the APP. Otherwise, Nexus will proceed to immediately resolve the relationship with the user's user, as well as that he can take the relevant legal measures.

All users expressly guarantee that all the comments and contents that shared through the APP and / or the clips do not violate exclusive rights of third parties of any nature, nor do they violate the right to honor, intimacy or their own image of people or any Third and that are the only responsible, with complete compensation to Nexus, of any claim (judicial or extrajudicial) that arises or may arise. Likewise, users are committed to none of the contents used contained prohibited elements, such as viruses or spam, or links to them.

With the acceptance of these Terms of Use, users grant an assignment of intellectual, non-exclusive, free, in all the territories of the world and until their passage to the public domain, on the contents that users upload or include in The APP to perform the download, transformation, distribution and creation of the clips through the app in any means and format needed; Specifically, the users give the breeding rights (for their direct or indirect, provisional or permanent fixation, by any means and in any way, which allows their communication or obtaining copies), distribution (for the making available to the public of the original or copies in a support), of transformation (to adapt them in vertical format, translation, adaptation and any other necessary modification in its form), public communication (every act by which a plurality of people can have access without after distribution of copies to each of them), including the provision of the public (by wire and wireless procedures, in such a way that anyone can access from the place and at the time they choose) of the contents of the user who is Include in the clips.

Likewise, with the acceptance of these conditions of use, users expressly accept an authorization of their image rights (including their image, name, shares and voice) and grant an assignment of intellectual and industrial property rights over the user's content Included in the clips, with the purposes established in the previous paragraph, and for dissemination through the Internet, audiovisual and sound media, on the Nexus website and the profiles of Nexus social networks (as Twich, YouTube, Instagram, facebook-goal, tiktok and / or any other analogous nature) free of charge, not exclusive and without temporary or territorial limitation, that is, in all the territories of the world and until the passage to the public domain of the clips, being able Nexus disseminate them, share them and exploit them in such means in order to promote their activity and the APP.

Users guarantee Nexus and are obliged to comply with these conditions of use, the legal notice and the Privacy and Cookies policy of Nexus, respecting the public interest, the current legality and the demands of good faith.

Responsibility and guarantees of Nexus#

Nexus will not be responsible for those obligations assumed and / or rights that would have acquired by the established relationship between users or with third parties, since they will be the users themselves responsible for compliance with the commitments assumed and acquired for these purposes. Specifically, Nexus is not responsible for non-compliance, or total or partial, of any non-compliance concerning the established relationship between users and / or other third parties.

Nexus has no obligation and does not control the use that users make of the web or the APP, the clips, their contents and of the services offered. Thus, Nexus does not guarantee that users use the Web or the APP, the clips, their contents and the services offered in accordance with these conditions of use, nor do they do so diligently and prudent.

Nexus has the right to temporarily suspend and without notice the accessibility to the Web and the APP, such as in the case of urgent need for the maintenance of the Web and the APP or for web security reasons and the APP, as well As to reserve the right to provide or cancel the services or of the Web and the APP permanently, trying to put it previously to the knowledge of the users, as long as circumstances are allowed.

Nexus has the right, but not the obligation, to oppose and / or eliminate any content or comment from users that violates these conditions of use and any of its policies, from the moment you have effective knowledge, as well as deny or Cancel access to the web and the app to any person or entity according to the criteria of Nexus. For this reason, Nexus makes available to users and third parties a unilateral denunciation system, by which they will notify Nexus any infringement of these conditions of use and their policies at the following address: hello@nexusclips.com


These conditions of use constitute the total agreement between Nexus and the user in relation to the object of this document and only a written correction signed by an authorized Nexus person or through the publication of a revised version by Nexus can be modified.

If any clause of these conditions of use were declared totally or partially null or ineffective, it will affect only that provision or part of the same as it is null or ineffective, subsequently subsisting the rest of the conditions of use and having such a provision o The part of it that is affected by non-containing unless, because it is essential to these conditions of use, it would have affect them in an integral manner.

Users can unsubscribe from the APP at any time, without prejudice to those obligations that would have acquired, communicating their decision to Nexus at the following address: hello@nexusclips.com. The Low will entail the impossibility of using the APP and the clips and does not entitle the user to compensation.

Nexus may offer the user the conditions of use of the Web and the APP in Spanish and English language. However, before any conflict in the application or interpretation of the conditions of use, the Spanish-language version of any other will always prevail.

The conditions of use will be valid from the moment the user is recorded in the APP for an indefinite period or until the user occurs off or, by any circumstance, the web or the APP closed.

Nexus nor users will be responsible or breaches of these conditions of use in case of delay or breach of them due to the causes of force majeure, in the cases referred to in the legislation.

Users will not be able to give up totally or partially, neither on-free nor free, the rights or obligations acquired in these Terms of Use. If this prohibition is breached, Nexus may cancel and prevent the access and use of the User, without prejudice Of his right to exercise judicial actions, which in his case proceed with damages that could be created for that cause.

Applicable law and jurisdiction#

These conditions of use, the privacy and cookies policies and / or the legal notice of Nexus, as well as any relationship between users and Nexus, will be governed by Spanish legislation. In case of conflict in the application or interpretation of these documents, the parties submit to the courts and courts of Barcelona.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, when the user is considered as a consumer, he will be able to claim his rights as such in relation to the legal notice, the privacy and cookies and cookies policies and / or the conditions of use of Nexus both in Spain and in his Member State of Residence in the European Union. In compliance with the provisions of Article 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 21, 2013, Nexus informs him of the existence of an extra-law Online litigation platform made available by the European Commission, available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ and through which consumers may submit their claims.

Para los servicios de Google y YouTube:#

  • Términos y condiciones de Google

  • Política de Privacidad de Google

  • Términos y condiciones de YouTube

Para otros Servicios:#

Términos y condiciones de TikTok

Con los Servicios vinculados para la integración de terceros, es posible que se solicite a los Usuarios que verifiquen las credenciales en el futuro. Es responsabilidad exclusiva de los Usuarios rastrear, actualizar y monitorear las credenciales. Consulte la Política de privacidad de la empresa para obtener más información sobre cómo los usuarios pueden modificar la configuración de seguridad de estos servicios vinculados.

Los usuarios reconocen y aceptan que los Servicios vinculados pueden agregar, eliminar, bifurcar y modificar características de sus servicios de terceros ("Modificaciones"). La Compañía no es responsable y no tendrá ninguna responsabilidad por las perturbaciones de nuestro Servicio causadas por Modificaciones a los Servicios Vinculados.

Configuración de seguridad de Google y revocación del acceso de usuario.#

Nexus Clips utiliza los servicios API de YouTube.

Si desea revocar el acceso a los servicios de Google y YouTube que ha vinculado, puede acceder y modificar la configuración de seguridad aplicable a través de los siguientes enlaces:

Enlace de revocación de permisos y configuración de seguridad de Google